Monday, December 10, 2007

Seeking..but not finding.

here i am again.

and i'm changing inside, hence, i need to change the outside as well.

back for awhile? or here to stay. we shall see.

everything's cool. ice-cold, devoid of emotions.

"surrounded, but always alone."

me against the world. to seek understanding, and solace.

let the war begin.

I am but a farce, a satire of stability
Insecurity is an uphill struggle
it's me versus the world
The shore still starves, For another

Novel of my shipwrecked being
tied up, dried alive, still breathing
The sands of time from me are running out
my hands shake in apprehension
Of every action
I'm guilty of playing the victim

Just like the embrace of arms that made you
They'll surely destroy you
It's time for your panic
Then it kills and makes you manic
Making its way inside - relax, it's alright
Panic grips your frantic breathing
I can't breathe, I can't breathe.

Trivium - Suffocating Sight